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Chum Kiu

Chum Kiu (Seeking the bridge) moves the Wing Chun practitioner from the stationary Siu Nim Tao position, and introduces them to movement and generation of power while moving. As you start generating close range power and speed in the first form you will realise that while moving it is a lot more challenging and even more so on striking a moving target.

The students of Wing Chun will learn to put two hand positions together, to intercept incoming energies and to stay balanced while keeping a good structure, and all that while facing the opponent’s centreline head on or at different angles if need be. The aim of Chum Kiu is to unify all part of the body to move and generate more power as a single unit in contrast with the independent upper body power developed in the first form.

The importance of a good stance, grounding and balance will become evident at generating power which otherwise will be limited to independent power. This stage would be an opportunity to refine the practitioner’s acquired skill.

Form characteristics

All the movements used in the system are contained in Siu Nim Tao hence its importance. It is the foundation of any practitioner. Think of it as the foundation of a house the deeper and levelled it is the stronger the house. There is no leg movement in the form the feet only move to set up the stance (Goat stance); but a hip movement is introduced at the end of the form to introduce the next form “Chum Kiu”.

Chum Kiu practice

Fast kicking, footwork and hip rotation are explored in this form. The students when allowed to practice and master the form will gains added power, flexibility and increased balance.

Second level syllabus (Intermediates)

Chum Kiu: which means searching or seeking the Bridge is the second form, contained within the Wing Chun system.

Chum Kiu takes the structure and Bridge hand fundamentals of the Siu Nim Tao form, and adds shifting, swift turning, stepping and kicking, to create a unifying body movements form.

In modern Wing Chun, the Chum Kiu form is the first taste of footwork the practitioner experiences. In older systems of Wing Chun, Shifting and Footwork are introduced very early on, alongside the basic training.

Steps of understanding Chum Kiu are designed to instil how to properly face your opponent, how to seek, find and join the bridge of the opponent and to and last but not least how to destroy the bridge. It also focuses on disrupting the opponent’s centre of gravity while making sure yours is grounded. The form also teaches how to multiply your power via the use of the sharp hip and body movement taking into consideration the importance of the stance.

Some of the core Ideas found within the Chum Kiu Form are:

  • Facing
  • Closing the distance between you and the opponent
  • Seeking and Finding the Opponents Bridge
  • Joining the opponents bridge with yours
  • Bridge breaking or destroying
  • Timing
  • Use of multiple movements to unsettle the opponent’s centre of gravity
  • Footwork
  • Kicking Method
  • Close range application
  • 3 types of Bong Saos
  • Pai Jarn / Horizontal Hacking Elbow is introduced
  • Au Choi

Chi Sao is a fundamental training method that is introduced and taught all through the intermediate level and carried on the advanced level and is a never ending quest for perfection and understanding of the exercise. Both hand are used (Bong ,Tan, Fuk) in contrast with Chi Dan Sao which used one hand at a time. The aim is to feel incoming energies, test structure and stance and find defensive gaps.


– Go forward or strike when the way is free

– Stick when meeting resistance

– Yield to greater force while still facing opponent’s centre line

– Follow through if the opponent retracts or retreats

– One must not commit to any movement allowing him to flow to the next.

– One’s range should never be extended 

– Free yourself from your own energy

– Free yourself from your opponents energy

– Use your opponents energy against themselves

– Add your own energy

3. Wooden Dummy form (Sections 1 to 3)

The first 3 sections of the dummy are introduced to the practitioner at the end of the intermediate stage before moving into the advanced level.